last update: 15/01/2006 version 1.8 |
| is an utility (Win9x,NT,2K,XP) written in Python (Pythoncard GUI) which can communicate with a target card (MCU68HC11) through the serial port RS232c. The principle consists to download a code program (hex intel format) into the target memory (EEPROM, RAM .. ) of the microcontroller (A1: $B600-$B7FF 512 octets, E2: $F800-$FFFF 2K octets). Principle: · On power reset, the microchip MCU68HC11 in bootstrap mode (MODA=MODB=0) sends a break signal (at least 10 bits in '0' level) on TxD (RS232c). · The PC sends $FF and the bootloader program (motorola) located in internal ROM puts the line TxD at '1' level . · The bootloader waits 256 bytes which are transmitted by the PC (E2_491.BOO by pyBLOADHC11.pyw). Once the 256 bytes received and stored in RAM ($00-$FF), the counter program MCU68HC11 starts in 0x0000 and execute the downloaded program. · This program downloaded in RAM (E2_491.BOO) is going to program the EEPROM with the byte code downloaded (default.hex Intel format). Command Syntax: "c:\metrowerks\projects\hc11\test" The configuration file is pyBLOADHC11.INI: [settings] port = COM2 quartz = 4.9152Mhz boo = C:\metrowerks\util\boo\68HC811E2 file = C:\Metrowerks\projects\hc11\TEST\bin\default.hex